“I have a different opinion from Professor John regarding his last statement. (我对约翰教授最后的一句话有不同的意见。)
The reason we conduct double-blind trials is precisely to avoid generalizing conclusions based on isolated incidents. Clearly, Professor John has just made that mistake.(我们之所以要做双盲试验,为的就是不从零星事件中去归纳普遍化结论。很显然,刚刚约翰教授就犯了这个错误。)
Seven years may not be a short period of time, but in the long history of traditional medicine, it is merely a drop in the ocean. Therefore, we cannot use the failure of seven years to prove that all traditional medicine spanning thousands of years has failed.(7年的时间不短,但在传统医学的时间长河里不过是沧海一粟。因此我们不能用7年的失败就证明几千年所有传统医学就都失败。)
Within the realm of traditional medicine, there are valuable remnants after eliminating the extraneous. Just now, Professor Jiang\u0027s acupuncture research has given me hope and prospects. (几千年的传统医学,去芜存菁后总有精华保留。刚刚姜教授的针刺研究让我看到了这样的希望和前景。)
Therefore, I am now planning to pursue molecular biology research to elucidate the mechanisms of acupuncture using principles of modern medicine.(所以我接下来准备做相关的分子生物学,用现代医学原理来阐述针刺疗法的作用机制。)
If Professor John doesn\u0027t mind, I propose a wager. Within one year, I will successfully publish my research in a prestigious top-tier journal, and at that time, I hope Professor John retracts his statement from today. Of course, if I lose, I will publicly apologize to you.(如果约翰教授不介意的话,我们可以打个赌。1年内我会把研究成功发表在权威顶级期刊上,届时希望约翰教授公收回今天的话。当然,如果我输了,我会向您公开道歉。)”